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Products Heat recoveryKCX +See more about advantages of recuperation


Recuperation unit with a counter-flow heat exchanger



KCX+ compact heat recovery units are plug-and-play units for mechanical air treatment (heat recovery, filtration, heating) in shops, apartments, homes and offices.

The device is designed to provide fresh air and remove contaminants. Heat recovery is carried out on a counter-flow plate heat exchanger and is based on the exchange of heat between the exhaust and supply airflows.


Shops & stores

Control unit

The compact KCX+ unit is equipped with the control and monitoring of the automation system. Using the intuitive touch panel menu, the application allows you to view all the necessary operating parameters such as temperature, filter quality, fan speed, heat recovery rate and to adjust the fans’ operation to other elements such as water or electric heater, water cooler or DX cooler.

The used controls enable the management of other external components installed in the building. The Ethernet module (optional) provides full remote control of the recuperator via the control panel.


The KCX+ unit is designed to work both vertically and horizontally. The connections with a diameter of ø 125 – ø 250 are placed on top of the unit and they are to connect the unit with the ventilation system.
The device is ready to cooperate with external air treatment elements: water heater, water cooler, ground heat exchanger.

Housing of the air handling unit is made of EPP (expanded polypropylene) covered with a powder-coated steel plate. It is equipped with a 100% air-tight by-pass. Due to all these solutions, KCX+ meets all strict requirements of the European certification systems

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